The Best Yoghurt, Salads & Fresh Juice In Lagos | 7 Years In Business | Evri Healthy Foods

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The Story of Evri Healthy Foods Limited

Nourishing Bodies, Empowering Communities

In the heart of Lagos, Nigeria, amidst the bustling city life, Evri Healthy Foods Limited began its journey in 2018, born from a vision to transform the way people approach food and wellness in Africa. Our founder, inspired by the rich agricultural heritage of Nigeria and the continent’s potential for sustainable food production, set out to create a company that would not only provide healthy, organic foods but also empower local communities and promote a healthier lifestyle.


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The story of Evri Healthy Foods is deeply rooted in Africa’s soil and its people. Our founder, who grew up witnessing the abundance of fresh produce on Nigerian farms, realized that there was a gap in the market for high-quality, nutritious, and locally-sourced food products. They envisioned a company that would bridge this gap, utilizing the bounty of African agriculture to create healthful and delicious offerings.

At the core of our product line are our Organic Greek Yogurts, a testament to the timeless and universal appeal of this nutritious food. The history of yogurt stretches back to ancient times, revered by civilizations as diverse as the Greeks, who were documented by Herodotus, and the Indus Valley, where it was esteemed as the food of the gods. This rich heritage inspired our founder to introduce a product that was not only steeped in history but also aligned with modern health trends.

Our Greek Yogurts are crafted from the finest cow’s milk, sourced from local Nigerian farms. This not only supports the local agricultural sector but also ensures that every spoonful of Evri yogurt is a celebration of freshness and quality. The creamy texture and slightly sour flavor, a result of the natural lactic acid, make it a versatile food that can be enjoyed in countless ways – whether paired with honey, fruits, cereals, or nuts.

Beyond yogurt, Evri Healthy Foods has expanded its offerings to include a variety of salads and cold healthy teas, each embodying our commitment to health and flavor. Our salads are made from fresh, locally sourced ingredients, providing a nutritious option for those seeking a quick yet healthy meal. The cold healthy teas are crafted from a blend of natural ingredients, offering a refreshing and healthful beverage choice.

Our success in Lagos, where we now supply over forty stores, is a testament to the quality of our products and our dedication to meeting our clients’ needs. We pride ourselves on adhering to the highest safety standards (ISO certified), ensuring that every product we offer is not just delicious, but also safe and nutritious.

Partnerships with major superstores like Blenco, Am to Pm, Daytona, Mattoris, Vpayless group, Edge Superstores, UBA Pharmacy and Stores, Adiba Group, and Mallmart, among others, have been pivotal in our journey. These collaborations have helped us bring our vision to more people, making healthy, organic food accessible to a wider audience.

Evri Healthy Foods is more than just a food company; it is a movement. A movement that celebrates Africa’s rich agricultural potential, supports local farmers, and promotes a healthier, more sustainable way of living. It is a testament to the power of vision, hard work, and community – values that are deeply embedded in the African spirit.

Our story is still being written, with each new product and partnership bringing us closer to our goal of a healthier, more nourished Africa. As we continue to grow, we remain steadfast in our commitment to quality, health, and the empowerment of communities across the continent. Evri Healthy Foods is not just feeding bodies; we are nurturing minds and souls, one healthy choice at a time.